Another update for my personal website!

Personal Website with Hugo Academic v2

I the past days, I realised that the newer versions of Hugo Academic included many interesting features such as day-night modes, skill sections, mouse hoover functionalities, more themes, etc. So I decided to bring some of them to my personal website 😃

After two-days work I have finally managed to update it. To be honest, I thought that the upgrade will be much easier but Hugo 5.X and Hugo Academic v4.6.1 have lots of breaking changes. I won't go into details, (if someone is interested on those you can check the commit history of the GitHub repository) but I basically had to rebuild the site from scratch and port all the content to the new format. The content structure is completely new (one folder per language), the headers on top of each template file are different, and the configuration has much more parameters and has been split into several files. That said, I think that the trouble is worth it: the website still feels like the old one, but has amazing new features 😃 Go on, try them out!

Finally, I must say that all the bugs that I found on the previous Hugo-academic version where fixed somewhere during the update. However, I am still using a custom theme to justify the publications abstract, format the citations, format the name header on the home page, and have a custom favicon.

So... What do you guys feel about the update? Please, feel free to leave any comment or improvement but be benevolent! Remember that I am not and I have never been a Web programmer nor a Designer so this has been pretty hard for me.

Cristián Ramón-Cortés Vilarrodona

Dr. Cristián Ramón-Cortés Vilarrodona works as a Senior Software Engineer at Dynatrace.

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