Personal website goes live!

Finally the first stable version of my personal website goes live!

I must highlight that I have never been nor a Web programmer nor a Designer, so this has ridiculously taken a large amount of time from me. I apologise if you find any broken link, unavailable image, unreadable text, etc. but I am still learning how it works. In fact, this website is based on the Sleek Blog by bawn92.

This said, I must recommend this solution for people like me since I find it very comfortable, and there are lots of other templates if you do not like this one. Currently, I am using Netlify for hosting and continous building, and Jekyll and Gulp for development. The website is fully synchronized with a GitHub project (if you are really interested you can check it out at my GitHub Personal Website Project) that Netlify builds whenever something new is commited. Amazing!

Please feel free to leave any comment or improvement but be benevolent since its my first personal website 😃

Cristián Ramón-Cortés Vilarrodona

Dr. Cristián Ramón-Cortés Vilarrodona est un Senior Software Engineer pour Dynatrace.

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